The Story
When I was ten, my grandmother died from colon cancer, setting me on a path of drug development, or potions and lotions, as I understood it at the time.
I was 22 when my uncle died of colon cancer. I had just finished my undergraduate degree in biomedical toxicology and it had failed me catastrophically in an hour of need.
I was young, grieving, and seething at the loss.
At the time (2000-2009) most investigational drug work in oncology was focused on the human genome, immunology, and making use of large data sets, the most blatantly obvious thing to do in my mind: intratumor injection, was not being investigated as a viable treatment option. Why?
Well, intratumor injection can be expensive, and risky, it's closer to an implant surgery than it is to drugs in an I.V. bag; it requires the use of surgeons and visualizing scanners; and it requires drug developers to re-conceptualize what a chemotherapy chemical can actually be used for; so that's why no drugs of this type were even being considered at the time.
I obtained a second degree in toxicology in 2012 defining the laboratory protocols for in vitro experimentation and the proof-of-concept for electrochemically activated chemotherapy (EAC), a new apparatus for drug activation and application specific for intratumor injection.
A new beginning.
The idea was, and still is mind you, to be able to provide a tool for the reduction of side-effects and improvement of drug penetration into the tumor through direct surgical intratumor injection.
That was enough to start Innovative Potential™.
The Joey™ came later, in 2017, during the patenting process, as the original, unnamed apparatus wasn't capable of leaving the laboratory in which it was created. The Joey™ solved that problem, and others.
The Joey™ name officially comes from when I was a child, Joey was a nickname my great grandmother gave to her I.V. pole unit when I visited her in the hospital. It seemed appropriate.
​Overall, there were over eleven classes of molecules identified that fit within the EAC criteria, each class containing several molecules, and each molecule already having some manner of FDA, EPA, or Health Canada approval for use in humans and veterinary animals.
Five of the molecules identified are in-use in today's clinics to treat cancer.
The Joey™ is more interesting than just a surgical device, The Joey™ an essential hardware for inventing new drugs and drug formulations for other diseases, and for developing new molecular design strategies to improve pharmaceutical longevity, storage, and transportation safety.
The work done and efforts made are to help prevent the loss of others, now and in the future.