Making Drugs Work Better™
By using a Joey™ from Innovative Potential™, drug molecules work better™ by affording high-presicion surgical control, expanded reactivity, and increased concentration control over pharmaceutical placement outside of a living body.
Work better™ is to have external application control over bioactivation.
Why do you want a bioactivateable molecule?
Two reasons:
EAC prefers bioactivatable molecules because EAC will actually toxify (i.e., activate) a non-toxic molecule to make it pharmacologically effective; and,
To create molecules with:
new mechanisms of action,
lower systemic toxicity,
lower risk hazard profiles in cases of spills,
increased transporation safety,
increased shelf-life, or
decreased sensitivity to storage conditions.
An ideal EAC drug is:
is a non-toxic prodrug,
is only activated by a CGP, like The Joey™,
is short-lived but stable enough to be pharmacological, and
can be stored in fluctuating environmental conditions for a long period of time.
These qualities make EAC development ideal for cancer treatments, rural markets, harsh environments, and space travel.